We are excited to announce a new product that we carry in our online store.
Geoballistics Weatherflow Weathermeter
The WeatherFlow WEATHERmeter integrates seamlessly with the BallisticsARC mobile app to provide long range shooters with a complete atmospheric profile. Bluetooth Smart (BLE) technology allows this weather meter to pair instantly to your mobile device for quick sampling.
- Wind Speed and Direction : 2 to 125 mph (+/- 0.5% or .2mph)
- Barometric Pressure: 8.86 to 32.48 inhg (+/- 0.004 inhg)
- Temperature, Wind Chill, Heat Index, and Dew Point: -40 to 185F (+/- 0.5F)
- Humidity: 0 to 95% (+/- 3%)
- Density Altitude: displays as ft or meters (derived from temp, station pressure, and rel humidity)
Compatibility and Additional features include:
- Direct integration with BallisticsARC mobile app as well as other 3rd party apps
- iOS 7.0 or later on iPhone 4s, iPad 3, iPad mini, or newer
- most Android devices with Jelly Bean 4.3 or later
- 3v, CR 2450 coin cell battery with >500 hours battery life
- Auto power off (30 seconds after closing app or connection loss)
- Includes hard case for storage
- 3 year warranty
- Weather Meter